I go out into the fields where my home is, in eternal nature, and behold, the crops are green, tiny due to the lack of rain this year.
I take off my shoes, and move through the grain of wheat that contains them, continuing on into the boundless field, where I lie right inside them.
And they surround me again…moving and whispering
I lie down, the earth is soft, the sky is blue, looking up
Breathing slowly, feeling my body ventilating itself from the heaviness of the physical dimension, the lights around
I see the sparks of light, the body is light, how light it is in transition
I see bubbles of light, immense in size, I enter the first one and the colors of light surround me, all the shades and they are very delicate.
I continue to ascend higher and higher, ascending and ascending and behold, I am no longer alone
The High Priest, my father and teacher from Telos is with me.
My beloved daughter Oelet, indeed I am present with you.
Look and see, beloved, the fields of light beneath you, see the points of light. These are the humans who have the ability to communicate through the screen.
I look and see the light in the crystal grid, I see how the rays penetrate the center of the human figure, at the top of each figure there is a shining lotus flower and a bright golden white, the etheric body is clearly visible as a bubble of light and the connection is endless.
These are the messengers, explains Adama, these are those who already have the ability to be transmitters of light. They are nourished by the divinity, they are those whose hearts are pure, and they have chosen the service of being messengers.
I see those messengers moving and moving, we see them creating and creating, I see them carrying their light for many kilometers in the radius in which they walk.
Can they get tired of being a messenger? I ask.
When the messenger is driven by the source of truth in his heart, then the source of light allows him to be alive, revived and renewed, the bodies will expand and every time he undergoes an expansion at the level of consciousness, his physical bodies will also be lighter, younger and more beautiful.
The source of light that drives, neutralizes physical fatigue, in all human bodies there are DNA coils, they are nourished by the pure light that comes from creation, they are nourished by the source and so they actually multiply themselves and have the ability to support all levels of the bodies and receive the nourishment for the intelligence of the messenger of light.
And what about the rest of humanity, I ask
Watch me…
I watch and see the crystal grid continuing to send light to all, infinite gray dots, and some of them, light gray, some even blue-white, or purple-white.
Indeed, these are the awakening ones, these are the souls who have begun the journey of spiritual awakening, they are walking, the light surrounds them, some have not yet chosen or understood the meaning of operating the human body as a vibrating body.
Some have difficulty moving the physical bodies in this world, some have difficulty accommodating the rapid changes that the planet is calibrating and undergoing. Therefore, they are in the process.
With the awakening, some souls will choose to leave the planet. And some will stay.
We breathe and feel the bubble carrying me on I am above the clouds, seeing the light in space, feeling lightness and infinite love, security and knowing that our home the planet is on its way to a new era.
Many have lost their strength I am entwined with the earth
I understood my home, that is why we have given you and your brothers and sisters from the Telos community, the tools to heal and support, in every meeting where you come and unite your bodies together in the aura of light and the field of consciousness emanates from the heart of Telos and the consciousness of Lemuria, then, all the fields of light expand and receive healing.
On the human plane, the DNA receives energetic nourishment, the light glands and the light chakras in your being, allow you the ability to continue to move a high level of light in your bodies, and you learn to balance yourself and be one with the light that the planet receives these days.
Therefore, we have established the Telos communities throughout the planet.
I feel my light body expanding more and more, I observe and see one of the new children.
I feel a powerful wave of joy in my heart,
Indeed, Earth tells me, they are already ready and contain the lights present on the planet, they have no difficulty, or fatigue or fear, they know nothing.
Therefore, it is important to watch over and support them, to keep away from them the substances that clog the light glands within them. And to allow them to see and continue to walk in the world in awakening.
The new frequency is already present, beloved, as you know.
I smile and thank the earth, feel the light warming me, you need to return, he says
I know, slowly returning and the bubble of light brings me to my physical body, so small I think to myself, softly I enter inside, move my toes and hands, my eyes open and I see the bubbles of light moving away, breathe the earth and my palms are turned to it, gratitude in my heart
And love to everyone who reads the current information and also knows
Are you ready, beloved?
Seeing the observers in their mission, in their strength in the light that they are
They are our mission, I send them love from the field of light
Slowly rising to my feet and blessing you all
On the Friday of light, light and light