The Telos World Organization
The Global Telos Organization, was inspired by Aurelia Louise Jones, her inspiration helped to create many groups and was the inspiration for Telos Worldwide and worked with them very closely
It is a volunteer organization that fully supports the Lemurian mission for the transcendence of the planet and humanity, an organization dedicated to disseminating information and teachings from Telos that contain keys to wisdom on the path to self-fulfillment and enlightened life.
The goals of the organization:
Spreading the Lemurian mission around the world
Awaken the heart of the lemuria that dwells within all of us.
Reaching out and helping anyone who wants to embrace the vibration of Lemuria and find the lost paradise.
Support for Telos' reporters and work in all languages
Keeping in touch with Telos organizations around the world for common purposes
Offering courses and workshops for personal and planetary development
The organization's leaders in Israel Ayelet Segal and Nurit Tabenkin and the entire team of volunteers and heart leaders who work on a full-time basis