A message from the Pleiades
13:33 The numbers are revealed to me
The house is empty and I feel the portal open. I go down the stairs to my room where it all started 15 years ago, Talos.
I breathe sitting in a circle around me different crystals, the ones I collected during the course
The spiritual journey, including rose quartz crystals that I received from Victoria Lee, the representative of Telos USA, Lemurian Crystals , that I received from another friend in Mount Shasta, serpentine in the deep green tones of the rock of Mount Shasta. And many more beautiful things that I had the chance to receive in my spiritual journey. They are around me, and I am in them, I feel the unique flow of energy from each and every one of them and together they are powerful.
Each crystal contains a different story, I breathe and enter the portal, it takes me on a journey beyond time, I see me on the mountain this time snowy and I am in a circle and around me, the Pleiades , the sons of the stars, they are happy to see me again, we have met many times since that unique circle on the mountain. ..
The snow is not cold but pure and sparkling, I see all my brothers and sisters from the Lemurian family, those who have embodied in their earthly bodies and those who come from the crystalline city of Telos. I see the different roles in these years, the years in which the planet changed
So much, I see the stages of transition and growth. I see our star in anger
And the main players of the planet, those who are controlled are the warriors of light.
And beyond the planet in the vastness of the galaxy there are infinitely many solar systems, the stars are many and so are the types of inhabitants in the vastness of the universe.
The perception of the whole consciousness has undergone a quantum leap, the perception of the self has expanded and Omar understands the relationship of space and time beyond the world of illusion, which humanity has held for many ages.
"The age of illusion is over" High Priest Adama told me several years ago indeed, today we are aware of the illusion, of the frequency through which humanity was controlled.
The world is changing in its formal materialistic way, the world is changing in a way in which matter no longer captures the essence, it is consciousness, the values that so many have agreed to give up.
Looking at the Pleiades, seeing their bodies, their light, did the Pleiadian mother stars they arrived know what darkness is?
"Yes" the answer comes quickly.
"That's why we arrived at the beautiful planet, the blue star planet.
That's why it's so important to protect the star, that's why it can't be destroyed in a war
sealed That's why we're here"
Indeed, such a beautiful planet, how quiet it was here before...
"I understand many are leaving the planet, no, not all of them will return, when we will raise the consciousness of the star to the fifth dimension. "
How does consciousness rise? I ask, feeling a cool breeze move
in front of me, I have no doubt, but can you share?
"Human consciousness rises when in the vastness of the planet all the portals open again
connect to one in their line of illumination, just as we built and thicken the channeling frequencies with our brothers the Pleiadians, so do the many stars of light that have already they were present on the planet, they return the memories to the human seeds that carry their DNA.
And thus many of humanity came to full memory, what really happened here on the planet.
Therefore, understand that the network is awakened, on the face of the planet, with a center located in the Great Pyramid at Giza. All twenty-four spiritual civilizations that left their seed in the plate return to the sea.
When you receive a message to move the messengers of light to a unique portal, you are aware of the mission to which you are sent.
This is how you arrived at the mountain that you wandered when you sent to Lemuria 15 years ago. And you opened the portal to many sons of light among your people. The people of Jehovah - the creator of the seeds of enlightenment.
And later you are sent to Giza - Mount Sinai - Hawaii Lemuria - the pyramids in Mexico, Wadi Ram and the ancient rock of Petra in Jordan, and the next mission we will accompany is Uluru in Australia.
It is important for us to explain, why the Uluru, at this central point. There is a huge portal that connects to the core of the inner world of this planet, many times leading groups
On their spiritual path to the magenta flame. The entrances to the portal are protected, and with the group of messengers we will be able to enter and return in time to the dream world of the kid’s stars . We can move in time and grant the keys allowing through this gate entry into the halls of light in the vastness of the continent, as a history teacher you know that the continent was discovered by the Europeans who took over the planet in this cyclic age is relatively late only towards the 17th century. Is it accidental?
What is really in this continent, this continent is resonating the solar chakra that provides the life wisdom of the magical world in which you exist in one dimension.
"This is the time for humans to find the treasure of life within themselves, many humans ask how? Especially at this time when everything familiar is disintegrating before their eyes and old insights containing old patterns.
Indeed only then are many ready to touch the "hidden" world, as you know this world is infinitely wide and as long as the soul is ready and one
It is with the laws of the fifth dimension, so the journey on the planet is a journey of unity of the heart
with the divinity and all that is. "
I understand what you are saying, but I still see many human beings who are still driven by ego, fear, and the need to survive. I witness dishonest leaders, a lot of control over our planet.
Is there a pace or time for the progress of the human race in the journey of ascension?
"Beloved, we see your wide heart, the one that committed to open hearts, there is no beginning and no end, to the journey of ascension. There is a process, you are a witness to those who succeed in passing through the initiation gates, they develop, they live and receive abundance as a reward for their straight and bright path.
Those who have not yet done the inner work, are still moving from the ego, lack of integrity or seeing the other, when humanity will understand that everything is one, then there will be no thinking that carries distortion or manipulation at all in your world.
The changes happen all the time, there is no specific time, time is the grip of an illusion that binds you endlessly
Therefore, beloved, we are here with them today. We are present with those on the island of the community of light that you lead with other brave souls, they all believe know and hold the consciousness of the truth. This is the truth of the cycles of the planet at this time and in ancient times.
Around the "air" that you breathe, there are electrons that carry codes of light, you are loved ones with the ability to connect and learn the codes of the new humanity, and to flow easily on this planet, or remain in the frequencies of fear and darkness until
Those who will fade away are from this planet. "
I take a deep breath, again look at the stage and on the beautiful Shatsa Mountain in front of me I see the Pleiades.
And know that with them we ascend.
Breathing and ready to learn more and more, learning and passing on the knowledge to those souls who choose to enter the planet that echoes the spaces of consciousness of the fifth dimension.
I close my eyes and feel the Pleiades, radiating soft and gentle rays of light on my body, I surrender and disappear.
Yours ~ Oelet
#AI by Sagit Bromberg Sent from my iPhone