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Ayelet segal



Dear brothers and sisters year's ago (2014), i received , from adama, the call for creating telos village (Below is the reading as

(we have received and we have sent to you then

Since the past three years, each and every one of us had his learning to grow step by step each

of us had learn and distributes the resonance of the lemuria heart

Telos Lemurian Israel, eanding her steep in the 10 years

many gathering, many energtic work with friends in Israel and around the world

we committed to the process of cooperation with our lemurian brother's from telos city for support humanity

and planet hearth

At this days we are preparing to the opening of the telos village in israel. this village will carry the spirit of telos lemuria We will be happy to invite representatives of Telos from all the world and be our Guests in our village

As time will come we will know the right dayt

blessing and love to all of you

telos lemuria israel team

Three years ago

Dear sisters and brothers of lemuria

This letter comes following the call to action from the High priest Adama, to establish a unique center of light, in Shasta County.

We realized the importance of establishing the Telosian Village. The mission of the Village is to contain and maintain the frequency of Telos, its unity and community life predicated on abundance of giving.

After careful thought we concluded that the Village, in its physical form (dimension), should be established and conducted as an independent economic center. It would rely on volunteer members, fellow Lemurian souls from the global community, and its dominant language would be that of the heart.

The Village would operate as non- profit rather than a revenue generating, profit based business entity. Maintained by members who choose to stay in the village, it would be run by them on a daily basis.

During the summertime - Telos organizations, or Light Workers, will have the opportunity to stay in the Village, for a fee which will cover basic expenses. Alternately, individuals could work in the Village, assisting operations and facilitating workshops dedicated to growth, sanctification and transcendence, this, in lieu payment for their stay.

We understand that Adama contacted us so that we would create a village which will hold the fifth dimension frequency. Refined and softened, this would enable Lemurian brothers to leave the mountain and embodied, dwell amongst us in the Village.

We envision all Telos organizations worldwide sharing the vision and gladly welcome those who want to partake in the establishment of the village. We would want to hear their heartfelt contributions.

Designation of the Campus:

The physical environment is a hospitality center with activities for people visiting Shasta from all over the world. These are individuals who want to experience the unique energy of the place and undergo the process of conscious evolution and transcendence.

The majority of the guests will be Telos community members from around the world and groups of people who feel themselves part of the Lemurian Community and are functioning with the frequency of love.

These days when the flame of unity grows,it's a time, when we fill Telos organizations that distribute the frequency of sacred Lemurian energy , coming frome our hearts, to unite into one Construction the village from "theory to practice",Fulfillment the implementation of Telos energy at our world here and now provide the ability to creait , telos city light out on the surface We would like very much,everyone who has a vision of ideas and knowledge on the subject to raise them and that we will express at this Vision the frequency of each telos cell light on the planet.

Telosvillage in israel

We currently operate our spiritual ecological village resonance in Israel,as this 2 year.

in the village 7 sacred flames of pyramids, a unique 7-meter merckaba carrying the 13th Dimension Resonance, a shamanic healing circle connected to the unique shamanic circle in the depths of Shasta, and 200 pure olive trees.

you are invaited to the unique house built by the High Priest Adama, it can be seen its unique design and frequency.

We invite you to stay in our village in Israel and join us in the unique project that is being created in the creation of the light for teloshastavillage 'in Shasta.

We appeal to those who read these lines and know or personally want to make a financial donation, for the purchase of land in Shasta under the International Representation of Telos.

for more info you can go to the websait:

or to contact ayelet segal at

with love~light~peace

Telosisrael -telosvillage team

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