The Ascension journey to Mount Shasta and the city of light Telos, according to aurelia Louise Jones and the Great Priest Adama. The workshop will last for ten days from july 2-14 2022, and it includes:
Introspection of our Lemurian heart ...
Building the bodies and preparing them for the planet ascension in 2022, while emotionally supported by the masters, the priesthood, the children of Telos and the family.
Getting new tools for life in the 5th dimension, at this empowering period ... in unique workshops to the group.
Channelings of the High Priest Adama, guiding of a personal escort from Telos the city of light and spiritual teaching.
Guided meditations and activities with Telos lemuria representatives.
A guided tour at a variety of landscapes and sights around Mount Shasta.
An exciting meeting with the Lemurian sister, Kathy zavada and the singing of the sacred heart.
Crystal Bowls Workshop
Meeting with the Stargate – at the home of a beloved friend, Prageet, the world Stargate operator.
A program of personal initiation for graduates who embark on the journey – by the High Priest Adama.
Invitation to Mount Shasta
"Welcome, this is Adama, the high priest from Telos. My beloved ones, you are aware of the changes, and you act according to the feelings of the heart, listen, open and learn, everyday again, the path of light and love, the way that opens so many doors to a new reality that you are fulfilling. And we, on Mount Shasta, the magical mountain from which many masters go out to the task of light, are sharing with spaceships from parallel universes and the solar systems and stars, the great purpose that is raising the vibrations, bringing about a change in Mother Earth and change of the planet. Indeed, my beloved ones, many beings of light are coming to take part in doing, and the mountain is a Meeting Place, a center of mutual doing. The inhabitants of Telos are busy in doing wonderful things; the choice to reach the mountain and establish additional cities of light on the planet, was intended to save the cosmic information. But over time, the population on the mountain grew, and new goals were created that gave expression to all the souls and all new light entities that have chosen to join for the mission. Yes, my beloved ones, you have chosen to descend on the planet, to connect to the exact same task and to participate in it, and this is how the connection between us has been formed. Many of you these days are receiving personal calls right into your heart. Callings that clarify to you what is your purpose and your role on the planet – to provide the light and provide the tools for raising the vibrations to humanity. Please know that we are with you on your personal journey. The "Telos of Israel" organization was established with the aim to provide information, prepare the awaking Lemurian light entities and to support them. We act out of love, and we will be able to continue with you in our mission with a certain vibration. Please know that the work you are performing as a group is very important, and we thank you, appreciate and celebrate your success. Join your community, find each other through the heart, reach out and help your community to achieve its mission. We work together, and soon we will meet with those beings who are being invited to us, to the mountain, and we will have the most exciting group meetings with them, which will raise your being to the high place you will reach in 2021 – a year of accepting all that is. The fulfillment of our creation on earth. We are excited about the day of the meeting and waiting for the awakening of the beings of light. My beloved ones, we are with you on the mutual journey, the Masters, the children of Telos, the Priests and myself, Adama, the High Priest of Telos.

The Journey in August The journey to Mount Shasta in August will be accompanied by very pleasant weather. This is a pleasant and convenient month to travel, to spend time and learn the mountain and its surroundings. During this journey, the participants take part in workshops and training from Telos of Israel representatives or the Masters of Telos. When you are in touch with the spirit of the mountain, through meditation, silence or a guided meditation, you will find and create a space for the reception of precious gifts, of change and transformation, from within and outside of you. Upon your arriving at the mountain, three guides from Telos will be attached to you, and they will stay with you during the week. This is a wonderful way to connect with your higher self, your sacred essence, and create new ways of change, through the workshop and inventions on the mountain.
workshop cost for the listed till April 1- 911% Workshop cost: $ 1111.
We would be delighted to accompany you on the journey to the new phase of your life - rebirth, with the opening of a memorial to lemuria
For any questions and registration please contact:
Ayelet at 972542024635 or telosisrael@gmail.com
for all the info:
