Book back to Telos 2
Orion got up and started climbing Orlio's legs, he grabbed the wing and climbed on the dragon's back.
Wow! Suddenly he felt him go up and up and saw how he was moving away from the ground. Aurelio's large wings flew the sea sand into the air. Orion closed his eyes and felt the wind caressing his face. He opened one eye and the other and saw himself above the clouds, hugging Orlio's neck,
And Orlio hovers up and down over streams and lakes, over golden trees and arches in the sky. Orion felt the freedom, he felt Aurelio cut the sky of light and soar upwards into the light, so that they continued to ascend until they came out of Mount Shasta.As Orion sat on the back of the flying dragon, he felt in his body the fresh air, his expanding heart and the incoming love. Wow! What excitement! He felt that the love that surrounded him was another love, one that he had not felt for a long time.
"Can I fill my heart's thoughts" he asked… "