Machu Picchu
Summer Journey
The canal journey to Machu Picchu
The Remembrance Journey to the Macho Pizza Lake Titakaka Pro 17-30 / 6/20
The call came - one night in Shasta,
And I wander through the computer and get to the provinces of Peru, and to Machu Picchu, to Lake Titacaca, and the masters whisper - and Earth says - it's time to go out to the light portal instead - to open the light to enter the city of light in the depths of Machu Pizza.
The journey of remembrance, a journey to the land of the Incas - sons of Lemuria.
A journey to the hidden city - the macho pizza, which one night the people of the city disappeared and descended to the depths of the interior of the planet.
Journey to Lake Titakaka, where there are settlers, Heart Sister Horde, Beloved Masters, Lady Nada, Kian Yin, God of Asteria, Porsche.
The Vanishing Valley is rich in ancient secrets from the days of Lemuria.
A journey of shamanic rituals and oneness with the great spirit, reading coffee owners.
Unity with Gaia and more ...
Join us on a unique journey - one of a kind, to the provinces of the land of South America, the hidden land.
The journey under the guidance of: Ayelet Segal - Nurit Tabenkin - For details and registration, visit events
For a broadcast from "Conversations in the Fifth Dimension with the High Priest Earth" A Journey to the Depths of the City of Light under Machu Picchu
Click here
.. "The secrets are revealed, the truth is revealed…
The inner planetary light cities are re-emerging, the Agra network is spreading the frequencies of light, to all the major city centers, and they are opening up to multidimensional communication with the light beings above the planet.
The cities of light were created with the sunset of the continent of Moria and followed by Atlantis, both of which held for a long time and protected the ancient wisdom of the world. The main duty of some cities of light, was to serve the light and keep the ancient knowledge alive. Many forces on earth have tried to remove or eliminate this knowledge from the earth.
On a journey to Machu Picchu, and on the unique Lake Titicaca that carries the resonance of the Fellowship of the Rose, we meet with our brothers the Lemurians who founded the secret city and the daughters of the White Light Fellowship, in these two centers there are knowledge and wisdom centers. Once, the greatest power ever available to mankind! …
There were times when we used to live according to this Torah, and think and act according to certain ways of mystery.
Because of the massive shifts in energy taking place on our planet today, cities of light are now releasing these ancient teachings for the first time ever to the public. This is happening because we as humans are ready now.
We have evolved more spiritually than ever before in our human history.
What are the days of the seventh golden age, in which we have the ability to connect the dimensions.
And to live the days of glory from our sacred hearts, the days of light and knowledge ...
Join us on a journey to the wisdom of the ancients. To a journey to the land of South America which carries the memories of the mainland, to Moria.
With great viewing and love, we invite you to come here and remember the days when you were present on the land of Lemuria in this part of the planet, the doors of our cities are open to you.
A journey of unification of consciousness, past, present and future.