An evening of rehab and release from addictions, for the new year
Thu, Sep 15
For the new year, we invite you to a unique cycle of liberation from addictions (cigarettes, sweet, salty, etc.) And everything that keeps us from being free At the meeting we will go through a unique meditative therapeutic process through which we will expand the consciousness and polish the bodies in preparation for - the new year that brings with it renewal

זמן ומקום
Sep 15, 2022, 7:00 PM
fulfilling, Fulfilling, Israel
פרטים על האירוע
For the new year, we invite you to a unique cycle of liberation from addictions (cigarettes, sweets, salty, etc.) and everything that hinders us from being free
At the meeting we will go through a unique meditative therapeutic process through which we will expand the consciousness and polish the bodies in preparation for the new year which brings with it the renewal of
The meeting will be held with the energetic clinic calling Alisa Kramerman, an addiction rehab specialist for 22 years.
Ayelet Segal - Nurit Tabenkin - multidimensional clinics, with and communicating.
Together with the support of the Order of the healer Hilarion the Ascended Masters and the personal training of all of us
The cost here is symbolic in favor of covering the expenses only and opening the gates of abundance consciousness for all of us
NIS 55 can be paid via Facebook to 054-2024635 or in cash on the day of the event, please indicate your arrival so that we can organize accordingly
The meeting place Magashim - Oren 18, inner house
Time: 19:00-21:30
At the end of the evening, registration will open for the continuation of the detoxification and deepening process with Alicia at a special price for those who arrive
See you with love ~ Telos Lemuria events team