Lighthouses You are called to this unique meeting - action time!
Thu, Oct 08
Dear friends we are moving forward and continuing to support the light systems! Every Thursday - once every two weeks. We are the messengers of light - beacons that spread our consciousness, we are called to the time of activating our forces for support and protection one with the supporting array of light of the planet.

זמן ומקום
Oct 08, 2020, 8:00 PM
פרטים על האירוע
Dear friends we are moving forward and continuing to support the light systems! Every Thursday - once every two weeks.
We are the messengers of light - beacons that spread our consciousness, we are called to the time of activating our forces for support and protection one with the supporting array of light of the planet.
One with the members of the Brotherhood of Light - From the City of Light Telos - Order of Melchizedek - Order of Metatron - The Pleiades - From the depths of the Shambala to the Galactic Councils and Planetary Light Cities
Be with us every Thursday for activation and support on the planet and in the entire human light array. Please note the following dates.
For a session on Zoom, follow the link:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Itmel in the evening we met at Zoom 55
Light emitters and we activated the networks around the planet and connected to the light emitters around the planet - together with those who have awakened and are active in their consciousness to what is happening on the planet these days!
The High Priest Earth speaks to us about active spirituality
In these so significant days
* We will connect every morning
To the illuminating rays of light we will unite and activate together our networks and electromagnetic fields that reach spaces of 8 meters and more
To illuminate the planet to eradicate the crane and return to the life of freedom in the blue ball.
* Free Choice Star * Beloved Euros from your home from wherever you are
I have the support of the Galactic Councils - City of Light Telos - Order of Melchizedek - Order of Metatron - Center of Shambala Angels of the Divine
YH D - Hear the resonance of their high length
* From the book Messages from Talus the High Priest Earth explains
What is your role in networking?
Earth ~ My work is related to grasping and feeding the grid with a high-dimensional energy vibration Wednesday and Thursday that is gradually brought to the surface from within. We work within the planet to help energies rise through the planet itself. When you connect to the earth, physically or gently, you can feel the energy that way. We release energetic improvements through the North and South Poles and other key points.
My role is as a manager, network architect and organizer of energy input and liberator. Because the structure of the network itself now exists, my work involves additional changes to improve the flow of energies. The network is constantly evolving, ongoing work in progress!
There are many light beings who also work with the networks. Refer to different networks but in fact these are multidimensional layers of one huge and extensive network work that is now integrated.
(From a book of messages from Telos, Aurelia Louise Jones, Telos to Moriah)
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