Valentine's Day, from the heart of Talos to Moriah
Sat, Feb 18
Beloved This is an evening of love He was created for you, for me, for humanity The energy of love cannot be focused or quantified for one day of the year. This energy is essential in your hearts throughout the year, every day, minute by minute, therefore this day is indeed important, but you must understand that not all human beings manage to express themselves on this day, and that the way you must love is after you find a

זמן ומקום
Feb 18, 2023, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM, מגשימים, ישראל
פרטים על האירוע
Beloved, this is an evening of love, it was created for you, for me, for humanity
The energy of love cannot be focused or quantified for one day of the year. This energy is essential in your hearts throughout the year, every day, minute by minute, therefore this day is indeed important, but you must understand that not all human beings manage to express themselves on this day, and that the way you must love is after you find the inner place in your body.
We invite you to an evening of gentle sounds from the heart of the artist Dubik Gal and a magical journey to the crystal city of Telos with Ayelet and Norki
An abundance of gifts and insights Enjoy from your home through the crystal screens
Free ~ open to anyone whose heart yearns to open to unconditional love
Ayelet Norki and Dubik are waiting for you
The evening will be broadcast live on Facebook Telos Lemuria
ערב של אהבה
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