22 / 6-2 / 7 The Ascension Journey with the Kryon Seminar, a unique journey - a wheel of wisdom for Moriah.
Sat, Jun 22
|Mount Shasta
Beloved brothers and sisters in great sync Lee Carol who calls Kryon arrives in Shasta with the start of summer. And brings with him the circle of wisdom to Moriah. We will be there with him, for a two-day seminar. (25-26 / 6) As part of a 10-day journey we will continue to ascend in the unique ascension journey of Telos to Moriah, to the entrance gates to the city of light Telos and to receive apprenticeships and messages what

זמן ומקום
Jun 22, 2019, 7:00 PM – Jul 03, 2019, 11:00 PM
Mount Shasta, Mt Shasta, CA 96067, USA
פרטים על האירוע
A unique journey in which we will connect with Lee Carroll, who calls Kryon and he arrives at Shasta.
In the ten days of the journey, we will reach unique portals on Mount Shasta, and take part in Kryon's unique workshop.
During the conference the Lemurian teaching wheel was revealed, along with what the representation represents, its proportions, the multi-layered meanings of some of the parts of the wheel, and how it is taught.
The Lemurian teaching wheel is thus the most original basic teaching of the beautiful core truths about the creative source (God), which has never been revealed in such detail to me - until now! These Hawaiian engagements can be clearly heard and learned here
This workshop will be an extension of the first instruction, which will include more focused research on each section, plus explanations of Lemuria, which were presented as an intensive Monday workshop.
In addition, we will undergo an initiation with the global stargate leader Pragit Harris, and both with the caller Merlin.
Throughout the journey, we will receive messages from the High Priest Earth, both initiation and preparation of the bodies and expansion of consciousness to the next stage to which we are born.
The journey in an intimate group - only 2 places left
The journey is led by Ayelet Segal and Nurit Tabenkin, who have been leading spiritual journeys across the planet for the past decade.
For details and registration, contact Ayelet 0542024635.