The Ascension Journey Shasta Summer 2023 - Freedom of Consciousness
Sat, Jul 01
|Mount Shasta
Everyone loves a mystery, especially one related to Mount Shasta. Many fascinating legends and myths have been written about this giant that resides in the northern state of California in the United States. The isolated mountain continues to sleep, its secrets hidden. But every now and then, another mysterious story emerges and rises to the surface. New characters emerge and attention is once again focused on the mystical mountain. It has been like this for many years

זמן ומקום
Jul 01, 2023, 7:00 PM – Jul 11, 2023, 7:00 PM
Mount Shasta, Mt Shasta, CA 96067, United States
פרטים על האירוע
With the initiation of hundreds of students of the planet the wisdom of ancient Lemuria
If you feel / feel the unbearable tickling
Explained deep in your heart...join a life-changing journey
***With the experience of 13 years of journeys #the ascension to Shasta
We invite you to our summer journey cycle 18
The ascension journey - Shasta 2023 to the freedom of consciousness
For a unique journey of ascension from Beit Telos to Moriah Israel.
For accelerated initiation, for the new days being created on Planet Earth.
To the new creation of breaking the matrix on the planet, a journey of ascension and activation of the great light code
A combined journey to Mount Shasta and to the gates of the Bnei Kochakim.
The journey was carefully built according to a unique plan given by the high priest Adama and Aurelia Louise Jones, author of Telos Lemuria books.
#To the official organizations, which represent Telos Lemuria frequency in Israel and all over the world
During the journey, we will be given communications and close escort from the high priest Adama, and the masters of the White Brotherhood, by Ayelet Segal and Nurit Tabenkin
During the journey:
💜 Let's look inside our Elmurian heart - meet with my soul family of light. *We will build our bodies - crystalline, magnetic, emotional, mental, soulful, physical.
🧡 Let's enter the Akashic Lemurian library - into the Nakal school - we will connect to our ancient being and to all the cosmic knowledge within us. Preparation for the ascension of the planet.
💙 We will receive guidance and messages from the high priest Adama - the teacher of humanity.
💛 We will be accompanied by the masters of the 7 sacred flames.
💗 We will visit unique energetic gates that open on Mount Shasta.
💚 We will visit secret gates in the mountain, and entrances to the city of light Talos.
🧡 We will be hosted with Lev Lemuria at the Crystal Bowls concert
🤍 Ascension ceremony from the Ascension Temple in Telos
💜For the graduates of the journeys ~ passing through the gates of mentorship - a unique program for Telos to Moriah Israel, which was awarded under the guidance of the high priest Adama, El Moriah and Serapis in
The workshop will be delivered in Hebrew / English and Spanish translation
"The journey to Talos takes a path of absolute faith, a path in which the connection to the Sacred Heart is necessary"
Give yourself the gift of life - the unique ascension journey 2023
For details and registration you can contact Ayelet 054-2024635
For the 2022 summer trip:
A friend from the summer 2016 trip shares: "Sophia Petar, a spiritual advisor: Ayelet Ahuva, a wonderful writer. I bless the day I met you and the members of the Telos organization (at the Stargate conference in Bhima two months ago)...I immediately connected to your energy and clean frequency. To your sincere smile and the light in you To the hospitable friends. I congratulate you on the decision to go on the magical journey to Shasta almost a month ago.. The energy and frequency of the mountain still resonates with me and I continue the spiritual work in the Telos spirit.. We did indeed meet Telos people on the way down from the mountain. And a moment later they disappeared. Beautiful people who radiate Light. Many magical things happened there...thank you for the wonderful privilege. I look forward to meeting you, with the lovely Norka and with all the beloved group at Talia's, a wonderful friend, I missed her resounding laugh. You entered my heart..Sofia Peter
A member of the 2019 journey: "Through the journey I crossed the gates of Rabbi Mamdiyot, I have no words to thank Ayelet and Norit for the accompaniment and love,
On the precisions to those gate points on the mountain itself, and the meeting with the enlightened teachers with whom I experienced an awakening in all the cells of my soul, an empowering experience forever
A friend from the 2015 journey: "A stranger will never understand this, these are my words for the stunning journey of ascension, along with the hearts of my beloved Ayelet and Norka, I was moved and felt in every part of the journey, I love you" 9.
"The Ascension Journey 2018:" The journey took me to ancient memories of the continent of Lemuria, where I returned to being the light that I am, during the journey I received visions and released traumas from the sinking of the continent which echoed in my life. "Oh, thank you" Q.