In these times of great changes on Earth we are undergoing a transformation of the planet. For us, as human beings, it is more important than ever to live in a world of pure light and love, awakening the notions of our true divinity and make it a priority. And for that we need to work on our bodies: the physical, the etheric, the emotional, the mental. With the knowledge presented in this booklet, anyone will be able to heal, purify, awaken, and reconnect to the divine will, and to observe in practice the laws of the fifth dimension. With this love you will pave with the gratitude approach to the way that will guide you home, to the place where you will fulfill the treasures of paradise. Paradise, on Earth, is essentially the reality of the fifth dimension. The fifth dimension - is a dimension of magic, we will experience the transition to it with the physical body. The abilities there are immense, we become the creators. A new formation in which we are. We take with us all the human experience in every cell and compartment in our body. All the experience we have gained in all the incarnations. This period is a period of time-out, in which the soul comes to its rest. The fifth dimension is the highest level accessible to humanity currently. Here we can change and release old energies and begin the process of building the new world. Desires take shape in the fifth dimension and take shape quickly or gradually depending in our focus on the physical world. The main change is reflected in the way we relate to relationships. New meaning of our feelings, thoughts, feelings, and desires. During this time, we must respond to everything that happens out of silence and observing from a distance. In the new perspective. Understand that I have created this reality even if I do not understand why. Identifying the components of the emotional body creates a force that connects us to our infinite abilities as souls. The recognition and acknowledgment of our em
אתם יכולים להצטרף לקורס הזה גם מהאפליקציה לנייד. עברו אל האפליקציה